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"Common Sense" Conservative

The Senator for our great state of Ohio, Rob Portman, ran his most recent senatorial campaign under the idea that he is a, “common sense conservative”. Webster defines common sense as: sound or prudent judgement based on a simple perception of the situation or facts. Now, let’s take a look at the facts. The Ohio Department of Education has stated in their most recent student census that seventy five percent of Ohio students attend a public school. That number rises to ninety percent when accounting for all of the nation’s students. Equipped with these facts no person with sound judgement would approve of stripping resources from three-fourths of our student’s schools, yet that is exactly what Senator Portman has done. In actively supporting and voting to confirm Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, Senator Portman has placed not only his own agenda ahead of our children’s education, but he has also shown his contempt for Ohio students. On top of this, Portman has placed a higher precedence on his wallet than our future, as the DeVos family donated fifty one thousand dollars to the Portman campaign before his vote of confirmation. Betsy DeVos stated during her confirmation hearing as Secretary of Education that she will not necessarily fight to preserve public school funding across the nation, which is extremely bad news for seventy five percent of Ohio students. Portman has voted with complete folly since the Ohio people have elected him as their senator, and it is about time we ask him to answer for his judgement. Senator Portman has yet to hold a public town hall since his reelection to his most recent term, despite numerous protests, requests, and phone calls urging him to do so. It is time that Rob answers for the way he has neglected our children’s education, and so we must reach out to him and demand a town hall. Without questions being screened prior, without selected members in the audience, and in the actual state he represents; a genuine town hall in which we, the voters, get to hold our elected representative accountable for placing the future of Ohio people as ransom. Please reach out to our Senator. It is time we find out what his definition of common sense is, and if it involves putting the future of our children at stake.

You can reach Senator Portman at any of these numbers:

(D.C.) 202-224-3353,

(Columbus) 614-469-6774,

(Cincinnati) 513-684-3265,

(Cleveland) 216-522-7095,

(Toledo) 419-259-3895.

By: Writer for Cincinnati Indivisible Zachary Wallace

Revised by Kaylie Slack

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